
So far, we, humans paid a visit – not physically just yet – but with the help of our robotic friends, to all of the 8 planets in our Solar System.


now in space

Edutainment project about
all of humanity’s accomplishments
in space

now in space  
now in space  
now in space  
now in space  

So far, we, humans paid a visit – not physically just yet – but with the help of our robotic friends, to all of the 8 planets in our Solar System.

and Pluto of course!

We want people to know:

600 people
have been to space
594 missions
in space managed by humanity
2 voyagers
are on the way to interstellar space

We want teachers to use our product when teaching about space.

We want Space X, Blue Origin, Virgin Galactic and space enthusiasts to have an opportunity to add  missions...

We want Space X, Blue Origin, Virgin Galactic and space enthusiasts to have an opportunity to add  missions...

February 6, 2018 - August 2019
Tesla Roadster
First orbit around the Sun
Space X

and we want them to look super cool

Our goal is to launch the most technically advanced, beautiful cosmopedia in the universe

Our goal is to launch the most technically advanced, beautiful cosmopedia in the universe

Now in space will be launched in the end of 2022 and we are very much looking for support to make it happen.

If you know Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos,

Sr Richard Branson or any companies and investment funds who are interested in investing in space exploration not only in space, please send them this link or reach out to us here.

As for now, enjoy our alpha version, it is beautiful!

With love from and to cosmos,

Now in Space team

2022 © now in space